Jenahara Nasution, founder of her eponymous brand, Jenahara, where she has been the primary creative force behind the brand since it was established in 2011. A self made entrepreneur, born to celebrity parents, fashion designer and actress Ida Royani and musician Keenan Nasution. Her passion in fashion came early. Since she was 3 years old, she knew she wanted to become a fashion designer, when coming along to a textile store and played with fabrics laid down before her as her mother was selecting them for her up coming collection.
As an avid music listener, and patron of the arts, many of her inspirations comes from songs, lyrics and art works which represents the spirit of her brand. Her designs have been inspirational to other brands she helped create, from tailor made high fashion clothing to ready-to-wear everyday scarfs. Her upbringing and love for music, arts and crafts, made her keen on collaborating with other designers and creators that shares the same spirit, values and visual aesthetics.
Since her first brand debut, as an influential figure in one of the largest moslem women community in Indonesia, she has traveled promoting modest wear with her brand, to Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Tokyo, Moscow, Melbourne, and London. A distinguished fashion designer, she has never missed Jakarta Fashion Week for eight straight years, the largest and most prominent fashion event in Indonesia.
“daring to be bold and modest”